Prime Life Fit Presents...



Build Your... 

The Body You Desire...

The Abundance You Deserve! 

Who is #BBB for?

  • Anyone who has ever felt shame around their body. This includes saying things like "I'm so fat" or "Why can't I have a body like hers?" or "I hate my butt!". You get the picture! 

  • Anyone who hops around from diet to diet and exercise plan to exercise plan, thinking THIS will finally be the thing that works! 

  • Anyone who feels like they do everything right and still aren't seeing results, physically or financially. 

  • Anyone who HAS reached a goal and still isn't happy 

  • Anyone who feels like they can never get ahead 

  • Anyone who has feelings of angst around money 

  • Anyone who struggles to make ends meet and feels like they take one step forward financially, only to take two steps back 

  • Anyone who suffers from "I'll be happy when (fill in the blank)"...syndrome

  • Anyone who would love to wake up most days feeling amazing in their body AND their life!

You ready? GREAT!! 

Go grab your workbook!

Hi, I'm Tara!

I'm so excited you're going on this journey with me! 

A little about me... 

I'm a long-time health, fitness and computer geek. I love coaching women (especially over 40) to step into their power to lead lives of vibrant health and abundance through my business, Prime Life Fit. 

For many years, I struggled with low self-esteem around my body and my bank account. I exercised my way into injuries, went to extremes with my diet, and spent tons of money on clothes and other things (hellllo credit card debt!)...all because I thought outside appearances determined my internal self-worth. But the leaner and more "ripped" I got, and the more toys I bought, the more miserable I became. On the outside, it looked like I had it goin' on...looks can be so deceiving! 

This all changed about six years ago when I was introduced to some personal development training that helped me begin to change my beliefs around true happiness. I started realizing that until I got the inside right, it didn't matter how seemingly perfect the outside was. And that's what I'm here to teach you. 

Your beliefs mold your behaviors and habits. Beliefs around your body, around money and how you're "supposed" to act have been conditioned since childhood. Are your beliefs helping or harming you? If you don't know how to tell, don't worry! We're going to dive deep into this during our five days together. 

My goal by the end of our five days together is that you'll have a better understanding of what's held you back from achieving your health and wealth goals in the past, and how you can move forward - stepping into the boldest, grandest vision of your life. 

Sign up & Start the E-Course Today >>>>>>>>>>>